count | title | file |
39551 | Paper: The Role and Task of the System Architect | RoleSystemArchitectPaper.pdf |
38930 | Book: System Architecting | SystemArchitectureBook.pdf |
37815 | : title unknown | proefschrift_jkm_bbm.pdf |
34659 | Paper: The System Architecture Process | SystemArchitectureProcessPaper.pdf |
34003 | Book: System Modeling and Analysis: a Practical Approach | SystemModelingAndAnalysisBook.pdf |
28115 | Paper: Research Question and Hypothesis | CriterionsForArchitectingMethodsPaper.pdf |
27084 | Book: CAFCR: A Multi-view Method for Embedded Systems Architecting; Balancing Genericity and Specificity (Thesis) | ThesisBook.pdf |
26190 | Paper: What is a Process | WhatIsAProcessPaper.pdf |
21128 | Book: Architectural reasoning explained | ArchitecturalReasoningBook.pdf |
18101 | Paper: Roadmapping | RoadmappingPaper.pdf |
17161 | Slides: A Reference Architecture Primer | ReferenceArchitecturePrimerSlides.pdf |
15110 | Paper: The Product Creation Process | ProductCreationProcessPaper.pdf |
15078 | Slides: What is a Good Requirement Specification? | ValidationOfRequirementsSlides.pdf |
14477 | Paper: Process Decomposition of a Business | ProcessDecompositionOfBusinessPaper.pdf |
13985 | Slides: Physical Models of an Elevator | ElevatorPhysicalModelSlides.pdf |
13440 | Slides: Scheduling Techniques and Analysis | PerformanceSchedulingSlides.pdf |
11995 | Paper: Conceptual View | ConceptualViewPaper.pdf |
11668 | Paper: How to appraise or assess an architect? | HowToAppraisePaper.pdf |
11036 | Slides: Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering | DidacticRecommendationsSESlides.pdf |
10772 | Paper: A Reference Architecture Primer | ReferenceArchitecturePrimerPaper.pdf |
10672 | : title unknown | SESGwhitePaperNovember2009.pdf |
10588 | Paper: System Integration How-To | SystemIntegrationHowToPaper.pdf |
10129 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; Reflection and Learning | RPreflectionAndLearningSlides.pdf |
10055 | Paper: What is a Good Requirement Specification? | ValidationOfRequirementsPaper.pdf |
9798 | Paper: Key Drivers How To | KeyDriversHowToPaper.pdf |
9754 | Paper: Case Study: Medical Imaging; From Toolbox to product to Platform | MedicalImagingPaper.pdf |
9362 | Slides: The Product Creation Process | ProductCreationProcessSlides.pdf |
8818 | Paper: Short introduction to basic ''CAFCR'' model | BasicCAFCRPaper.pdf |
8719 | Slides: Execution architecture concepts | ExecutionArchitectureConceptsSlides.pdf |
8484 | Paper: Module 11, Human Resource Management | ModuleHRMPaper.pdf |
8406 | Paper: Requirements | RequirementsPaper.pdf |
8275 | Slides: Role of Software in Systems | RoleOfSoftwareSlides.pdf |
8191 | Slides: Research Agenda for Embedded Systems | ESresearchAgendaSlides.pdf |
8034 | Paper: Business Strategy; Methods and Models | BusinessStrategyMethodsModelsPaper.pdf |
7926 | Paper: Functional View | FunctionalViewPaper.pdf |
7893 | Book: Supporting Processes for System Architecture | SupportingProcessesBook.pdf |
7773 | Paper: Execution architecture concepts | ExecutionArchitectureConceptsPaper.pdf |
7710 | Slides: Opportunities and challenges in embedded systems | EmbeddedSystemsOpportunitiesSlides.pdf |
7554 | Paper: How to Create an Architecture Overview | OverviewHowToPaper.pdf |
7033 | Paper: The Waferstepper Challenge: Innovation and Reliability despite Complexity. | IRCwaferstepperPaper.pdf |
6724 | Slides: Roadmapping | RoadmappingSlides.pdf |
6692 | Paper: Customer Objectives View | CustomerObjectivesViewPaper.pdf |
6493 | allSlides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; all slides | SEcourseResearchMethodsallSlides.pdf |
6470 | Slides: Systems Engineering Master Project | SEthesisProjectSlides.pdf |
6401 | Book: ComposableArchitectures | ComposableArchitecturesBook.pdf |
6060 | Book: Human Measure and Architecting | HumanMeasureBook.pdf |
6001 | Paper: Module 02, Role and Task | ModuleRoleAndTaskPaper.pdf |
5874 | Paper: The Awakening of a System Architect | MaturityPaper.pdf |
5808 | Paper: The Importance of Feedback for Architecture | FeedbackPaper.pdf |
5805 | Slides: Functional View | FunctionalViewSlides.pdf |
5538 | Slides: Execution Architecture for Real-Time Systems by Ton Kostelijk | HardRealTimeExecArchSlides.pdf |
5530 | Paper: Opportunities and challenges in embedded systems | EmbeddedSystemsOpportunitiesPaper.pdf |
5488 | Slides: Conceptual View | ConceptualViewSlides.pdf |
5483 | allSlides: All lecture slides for SARCH/SESA | SARCHallSlides.pdf |
5400 | Paper: Market Product Life Cycle Consequences for Architecting | MarketProductLifecyclePaper.pdf |
5323 | Slides: Product Life Cycle Management | ProductLifeCycleManagementSlides.pdf |
5122 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Life Cycle Models | MAlifeCycleSlides.pdf |
5079 | Paper: Light Weight Architectures; The way of the future? | LightWeightArchitectingPaper.pdf |
5053 | Paper: Propositions Accompanying the Dissertation | ThesisPropositionsPaper.pdf |
5052 | : title unknown | SRF2011-2_Rokke_Muller_Pennotti_RequirementElicitation.pdf |
5003 | Slides: Research Question and Hypothesis | CriterionsForArchitectingMethodsSlides.pdf |
4947 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Lonmo_Muller_ConceptSelection.pdf |
4909 | Slides: Architectural Decision Making; What Happens Behind the Scenes? | ArchitecturalDecisionMakingSlides.pdf |
4850 | Paper: Function Profiles; The sheep with 7 legs | FunctionProfilesPaper.pdf |
4786 | Slides: System Integration How-To | SystemIntegrationHowToSlides.pdf |
4775 | Slides: Module 11, Human Resource Management | ModuleHRMSlides.pdf |
4760 | Paper: Linux Visualization | LinuxVisualizationPaper.pdf |
4623 | Slides: What is a Process | WhatIsAProcessSlides.pdf |
4578 | Slides: Design Objectives and Design Understandability | DesignUnderstandabilitySlides.pdf |
4471 | Paper: System Architecture: The Silver Bullet? | TheSilverBulletPaper.pdf |
4467 | Slides: Systems Engineering Research Methods | SEresearchMethodsSlides.pdf |
4457 | Slides: Module 24, Scenarios, Story Telling, Use Cases | ModuleScenariosSlides.pdf |
4411 | Slides: Fundamentals of Requirements Engineering | FundamentalsOfRequirementsSlides.pdf |
4397 | Slides: How to Create a Manageable Platform Architecture? | HowtoManageablePlatformArchitectureSlides.pdf |
4319 | : title unknown | WorkshopNLD.pdf |
4313 | Slides: The role of roadmapping in the strategy process | RoadmappingInStrategyProcessSlides.pdf |
4307 | Slides: Customer Objectives View | CustomerObjectivesViewSlides.pdf |
4277 | Paper: Granularity of Documentation | DocumentationGranularityPaper.pdf |
4267 | Paper: Module 01, System Architecture Context | ModuleSystemArchitectureContextPaper.pdf |
4262 | Paper: Lecture Requirements Engineering for the OOTI curriculum | OOTIcoursePaper.pdf |
4192 | allSlides: All lecture slides SEMP: Systems Engineering Master Project | SEMPallSlides.pdf |
4172 | Slides: The System Architect; Meddler or Hero? | MeddlerOrSaviorSlides.pdf |
4147 | Paper: How to present architecture issues to higher management | ArchitectManagementInteractionPaper.pdf |
4127 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis: Life Cycle Models | MAlifeCyclePaper.pdf |
4095 | Slides: Tutorial Measuring and Modeling System Performance | TutorialSystemPerformanceSlides.pdf |
4074 | Paper: Product Family Business Analysis and Definition | PFanalysisAndDefinitionPaper.pdf |
4067 | Slides: Product Family Business Analysis and Definition | PFanalysisAndDefinitionSlides.pdf |
4062 | Paper: The Tense Relation between Architect and Manager | RelationArchitectManagerPaper.pdf |
3835 | Paper: Systems Engineering Master Project | SEthesisProjectPaper.pdf |
3832 | Slides: The Role and Task of the System Architect | RoleSystemArchitectSlides.pdf |
3812 | Slides: Architectural Thinking | ArchitecturalThinkingSlides.pdf |
3803 | Slides: Value Chain and Drivers (by Pierre America) | ValueChainAndDriversSlides.pdf |
3800 | Slides: Bachelor course Systems Engineering: Architectural Reasoning | BachelorSEarchitecturalReasoningSlides.pdf |
3774 | Slides: The Importance of System Architecting for Development | ImportanceOfSAforDevelopmentSlides.pdf |
3765 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016_Eide_Haskins_Control.pdf |
3763 | Paper: Introduction to System Performance Design | PerformanceIntroPaper.pdf |
3748 | Slides: High Level Modeling to Support Software Design | HighLevelModelingForSoftwareDesignSlides.pdf |
3699 | allSlides: All lecture slides SEMA: Architectural Reasoning Using Conceptual Modeling | SEMAallSlides.pdf |
3686 | Slides: Semiconductor Software Strategy | SemiconductorSoftwareStrategySlides.pdf |
3663 | : title unknown | WASET2011_HeierhoffEtAl_ERPtraining.pdf |
3647 | allSlides: All About Systems Engineering; Introductory Course | SEintroductionCourseallSlides.pdf |
3595 | Paper: Application View | ApplicationViewPaper.pdf |
3589 | Slides: Process Decomposition of a Business | ProcessDecompositionOfBusinessSlides.pdf |
3566 | Slides: Architectural Reasoning Illustrated by an ATM Example | ARATMexampleSlides.pdf |
3554 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; Cultural Differences | RPculturalDifferencesSlides.pdf |
3544 | allSlides: All lecture slides OOTI requirements engineering | OOTIallSlides.pdf |
3466 | Slides: Key Drivers How To | KeyDriversHowToSlides.pdf |
3454 | allSlides: Lecture slides for the course Modeling and Analysis | MA611allSlides.pdf |
3435 | allSlides: All lecture slides for Multi-Objective Embedded Systems Design, based on CAFCR | CAFCRallSlides.pdf |
3403 | Slides: The System Architecture Process | SystemArchitectureProcessSlides.pdf |
3399 | : title unknown | SOSE2017_Aasheim_Zhao_RequirementsDefinition.pdf |
3339 | Slides: The Waferstepper Challenge: Innovation and Reliability despite Complexity. | IRCwaferstepperSlides.pdf |
3316 | Paper: Module 09, Human Side | ModuleHumanSidePaper.pdf |
3313 | Slides: Light Weight Architectures; The way of the future? | LightWeightArchitectingSlides.pdf |
3262 | Slides: Module 01, System Architecture Context | ModuleSystemArchitectureContextSlides.pdf |
3234 | Slides: Agile Organisation | AgileOrganisationSlides.pdf |
3212 | Paper: Tutorial Software as Integrating Technology in Complex Systems | TutorialSoftwareAsIntegratingTechnologyPaper.pdf |
3211 | Paper: The role of roadmapping in the strategy process | RoadmappingInStrategyProcessPaper.pdf |
3200 | Paper: Product Families and Generic Aspects | GenericDevelopmentsPaper.pdf |
3167 | Paper: Overview of CAFCR and Threads of Reasoning | ArchitectingMethodOverviewPaper.pdf |
3104 | : title unknown | SESG_CloutierPatternsWorkshop.pdf |
3079 | Slides: Module 02, Role and Task | ModuleRoleAndTaskSlides.pdf |
3073 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; Critical Thinking | RPcriticalThinkingSlides.pdf |
3068 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; Academic Writing | RPacademicWritingSlides.pdf |
3062 | Slides: Systems Engineering Research; Examples of Flow and Methodology | SEresearchExamplesSlides.pdf |
3021 | allSlides: Masters Course The Context of Embedded System Design | EScontextallSlides.pdf |
2988 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016_Goderstad_Haskins_QFD.pdf |
2966 | Slides: Systems Engineering Research Validation | SEresearchValidationSlides.pdf |
2945 | Slides: The Tense Relation between Architect and Manager | RelationArchitectManagerSlides.pdf |
2942 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; Course Information | RPcourseInfoSlides.pdf |
2912 | Paper: How to Create a Manageable Platform Architecture? | HowtoManageablePlatformArchitecturePaper.pdf |
2877 | allSlides: All lecture slides MSI; Mastering Systems Integration | MasteringSystemsIntegrationallSlides.pdf |
2854 | allSlides: All lecture slides for ESA stakeholders | ESAallSlides.pdf |
2833 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Tran%C3%B8y_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
2825 | : title unknown | CSER2010_BreivollMullerPennotti_changeImpact.pdf |
2822 | Slides: How to Create an Architecture Overview | OverviewHowToSlides.pdf |
2817 | Slides: An incremental execution architecture design approach | ExecutionArchitectureApproachSlides.pdf |
2800 | Book: Course Descriptions | CourseDescriptionsBook.pdf |
2766 | Slides: Light Weight Architectures revisited; The way of the future? | LightWeightArchitectingRevisitedSlides.pdf |
2754 | Paper: Role of Software in Systems | RoleOfSoftwarePaper.pdf |
2753 | Slides: Module 05, Roadmapping | ModuleRoadmappingSlides.pdf |
2739 | Slides: Function Profiles; The sheep with 7 legs | FunctionProfilesSlides.pdf |
2712 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_Singh_Muller_DynamicA3.pdf |
2703 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018_Bakke_Haskins_TRL.pdf |
2702 | Paper: Human Side: Interpersonal Skills | HSinterpersonalSkillsPaper.pdf |
2701 | Slides: Module 13, Management Presentation | ModuleManagementPresentationSlides.pdf |
2699 | Slides: Decomposing the Architect; What are Critical Success Factors? | DecomposingTheArchitectSlides.pdf |
2697 | Paper: Introduction to Medical Imaging Case Study | IntroductionMedicalImagingCasePaper.pdf |
2689 | Paper: Module 13, Management Presentation | ModuleManagementPresentationPaper.pdf |
2681 | Slides: Case Study: Medical Imaging; From Toolbox to product to Platform | MedicalImagingSlides.pdf |
2673 | Slides: Industry Master; Engineering Work Experience part-time Job | IndustryMasterWorkExperienceSlides.pdf |
2664 | Slides: System Partitioning Fundamentals | SystemPartitioningFundamentalsSlides.pdf |
2645 | : title unknown | NLDvolwassenen.pdf |
2644 | Slides: Human Side: Interpersonal Skills | HSinterpersonalSkillsSlides.pdf |
2644 | Paper: From the soft and fuzzy context to SMART engineering. | FromFuzzyToSmartPaper.pdf |
2638 | : title unknown | BorchesCookbookA3architectureOverview.pdf |
2637 | : title unknown | EUSEC2010_RasmussenEtAl_CausalLoop.pdf |
2625 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; My Role | RPmyRoleSlides.pdf |
2619 | Slides: From Synchronous to Asynchronous Design | PerformanceSynchronousSlides.pdf |
2604 | Paper: Positioning the System Architecture Process | PositioningSystemArchitectureProcessPaper.pdf |
2597 | Slides: Architecture and Design Fundamentals | ArchitectureAndDesignFundamentalsSlides.pdf |
2592 | : title unknown | CSER2011_MullerEtAl_ResearchingPughMatrix.pdf |
2581 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; Domain Knowledge | RPdomainKnowledgeSlides.pdf |
2580 | Paper: Basic Working Methods of a System Architect | BasicWorkingMethodArchitectPaper.pdf |
2550 | Slides: A Method to Explore Synergy between Products | MethodToExploreSynergySlides.pdf |
2548 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018_Moraga_Yang_LegacySoftware.pdf |
2547 | Slides: How to present architecture issues to higher management | ArchitectManagementInteractionSlides.pdf |
2522 | Slides: The Gaudi Project | GaudiProjectSlides.pdf |
2520 | Paper: Medical Imaging Workstation: CAF Views | MIviewsCAFPaper.pdf |
2501 | Slides: Module 03, Requirements | ModuleRequirementsSlides.pdf |
2500 | Slides: Requirements | RequirementsSlides.pdf |
2491 | Paper: A Multi-Disciplinary Research Approach, Illustrated by the Boderc Project | MultiDisciplinaryResearchApproachPaper.pdf |
2471 | : title unknown | CSER2010_ValerdiBrownMuller_researchMethodology.pdf |
2444 | Paper: Research Agenda for Embedded Systems | ESresearchAgendaPaper.pdf |
2433 | Paper: Module 03, Requirements | ModuleRequirementsPaper.pdf |
2428 | Slides: Short introduction to basic ''CAFCR'' model | BasicCAFCRSlides.pdf |
2414 | Paper: Module 04, System Architect Toolkit | ModuleSystemArchitectToolkitPaper.pdf |
2412 | Slides: Software Reuse; Caught between strategic importance and practical feasibility | SoftwareReuseSlides.pdf |
2412 | Paper: Module 23, Modeling and Analysis: Application and Life Cycle Modeling | ModuleMAfundamentalsApplicationPaper.pdf |
2408 | Paper: SESA course Systems Architecting | SARCHcoursePaper.pdf |
2395 | Paper: Reflection on Research Method to Study Architecting Methods | ReflectionOnResearchMethodPaper.pdf |
2377 | Slides: Module 04, System Architect Toolkit | ModuleSystemArchitectToolkitSlides.pdf |
2358 | Paper: The Gaudi Project | GaudiProjectPaper.pdf |
2356 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Guldal_Andersson.pdf |
2347 | : title unknown | PresentatieBruggeNLD.pdf |
2345 | Slides: Market Product Life Cycle Consequences for Architecting | MarketProductLifecycleSlides.pdf |
2334 | Slides: The Balancing Act Of Productification | BalancingActOfProductificationSlides.pdf |
2330 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Wiulsr%C3%B8dEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
2307 | Slides: Module Platform Business Analysis | ModulePlatformBusinessAnalysisSlides.pdf |
2304 | Slides: The Awakening of a System Architect | MaturitySlides.pdf |
2295 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_%C3%98vergaard_Muller_AutomatedTesting.pdf |
2260 | Paper: Template How To | TemplateHowToPaper.pdf |
2241 | Paper: The System Architect; Meddler or Hero? | MeddlerOrSaviorPaper.pdf |
2231 | allSlides: All lecture slides SARCH for management teams | ShortSARCHallSlides.pdf |
2229 | Paper: Software Reuse; Caught between strategic importance and practical feasibility | SoftwareReusePaper.pdf |
2199 | Slides: System Architecture: The Silver Bullet? | TheSilverBulletSlides.pdf |
2188 | Slides: Tutorial Software as Integrating Technology in Complex Systems | TutorialSoftwareAsIntegratingTechnologySlides.pdf |
2173 | Slides: Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering in Kongsberg Projects | TheoryPracticeSEinProjectsSlides.pdf |
2173 | Slides: Module 19, Story Telling | ModuleStoryTellingSlides.pdf |
2171 | Paper: The Tool Box of the System Architect | ToolBoxSystemArchitectPaper.pdf |
2171 | Slides: Product Families and Generic Aspects | GenericDevelopmentsSlides.pdf |
2165 | Slides: Bachelor course Systems Engineering: Architectural Reasoning; Homework | BachelorSEhomeworkSlides.pdf |
2162 | Paper: Module 16, Customer Side | ModuleCAviewsPaper.pdf |
2161 | Slides: From story to design illustrated by medical imaging | MIstoryToDesignSlides.pdf |
2153 | Slides: Module 23, Modeling and Analysis: Application and Life Cycle Modeling | ModuleMAfundamentalsApplicationSlides.pdf |
2142 | Slides: Medical Imaging Workstation: CAF Views | MIviewsCAFSlides.pdf |
2129 | Slides: Basic Working Methods of a System Architect | BasicWorkingMethodArchitectSlides.pdf |
2127 | Paper: Positioning the CAFCR Method in the World | PositioningArchitecturalReasoningPaper.pdf |
2108 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; How to Apply SE in Practice | RPhowToApplySlides.pdf |
2097 | Paper: An incremental execution architecture design approach | ExecutionArchitectureApproachPaper.pdf |
2087 | Paper: From Legacy to State-of-the-art; Architectural Refactoring. | ArchitecturalRefactoringPaper.pdf |
2084 | Slides: Workshop How To | WorkshopHowToSlides.pdf |
2080 | Slides: Module 20 Medical Imaging case, CAFCR illustration | ModuleMICAFCRSlides.pdf |
2077 | Paper: Industry-as-Laboratory Applied in Practice: The Boderc Project | IndustryAsLaboratoryAppliedPaper.pdf |
2074 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_Mj%C3%A5nesEtAl_SEprocess.pdf |
2072 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; Communication | RPcommunicationSlides.pdf |
2066 | Paper: Module 06, Product Families | ModuleProductFamiliesPaper.pdf |
2066 | Slides: Multi-Objective Embedded Systems Design, based on CAFCR | CAFCRcourseSlides.pdf |
2062 | Slides: Modeling Hierarchy, Coping with the Dynamic Range of Design Details | ModelingHierarchyDynamicRangeSlides.pdf |
2052 | allSlides: Lecture slides for the course Execution Architecture | EAallSlides.pdf |
2051 | Slides: Project Systems Engineering Introduction; Phasing, Process, Organization | ProjectSEintroPPOSlides.pdf |
2050 | Paper: LEAN and A3 Approach to Supporting Processes | LEANandA3Paper.pdf |
2033 | Slides: A Collection of Viewpoints; position presentation | ViewCollectionSlides.pdf |
2032 | Slides: Industry and Academia: Why Practioners and Researchers are Disconnected. | GapIndustryAcademicsSlides.pdf |
2031 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Measuring | MAmeasuringSlides.pdf |
2031 | Paper: Gaudí Documentation Tools Requirements and Design | GaudiDocumentationToolsReqPaper.pdf |
2030 | Paper: Exploration of the bloating of software | BloatingExploredPaper.pdf |
2019 | Slides: Why is Systems Integration understood so poorly? Reflections on 3 decades of unforeseen failures | SystemsIntegrationReflectionKSEESlides.pdf |
2002 | Slides: Multi-view Architecting | MVillustrationSlides.pdf |
2002 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016_Solli_Muller_VisualConOps.pdf |
2000 | Paper: The Importance of System Architecting for Development | ImportanceOfSAforDevelopmentPaper.pdf |
1998 | allSlides: Lecture slides for the course Architecting System Performance | PerformanceallSlides.pdf |
1993 | old EV document: Philips SW conference 1995, SIG re-use | swConference1995.pdf |
1990 | Paper: Tutorial Measuring and Modeling System Performance | TutorialSystemPerformancePaper.pdf |
1975 | Paper: Story Telling | ThesisStoryPaper.pdf |
1972 | : title unknown | INCOSE2011_Vigdal_FTAandFMECAanalysis.pdf |
1967 | Slides: Software Productivity for Consumer Appliances | SoftwareProductivitySlides.pdf |
1965 | Slides: Performance Patterns, Pitfalls, and Approach | PerformancePatternsSlides.pdf |
1961 | Paper: Buskerud University College: Program Systems Engineering | BuskerudAgendaPaper.pdf |
1960 | Slides: Introduction to Medical Imaging Case Study | IntroductionMedicalImagingCaseSlides.pdf |
1954 | Paper: Qualities as Integrating Needles | QualityNeedlesPaper.pdf |
1954 | Slides: Medical Imaging Workstation: CR Views | MIconceptualViewSlides.pdf |
1953 | Paper: Module 07, Supporting Processes | ModuleSupportingProcessesPaper.pdf |
1952 | Slides: Experiences of Teaching Systems Architecting | SARCHexperienceSlides.pdf |
1948 | Slides: Threads of Reasoning in the Medical Imaging Case | MIthreadsOfReasoningSlides.pdf |
1938 | Paper: Decomposing the Architect; What are Critical Success Factors? | DecomposingTheArchitectPaper.pdf |
1937 | : title unknown | CSER2013_Muller_SEresearchMethods.pdf |
1925 | Slides: SARCH Module 10, Wrap Up | ModuleSARCHwrapUpSlides.pdf |
1919 | Paper: Story How To | StoryHowToPaper.pdf |
1918 | Paper: What is Systems Architecting in an Industrial Context? | WhatIsArchitectingPaper.pdf |
1914 | Paper: Module 05, Roadmapping | ModuleRoadmappingPaper.pdf |
1900 | Slides: Application View | ApplicationViewSlides.pdf |
1897 | Paper: Fundamentals of Requirements Engineering | FundamentalsOfRequirementsPaper.pdf |
1893 | Paper: Archipelago: Architecture | ArchipelagoPaper.pdf |
1884 | Slides: Module 06, Product Families | ModuleProductFamiliesSlides.pdf |
1875 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Budgeting | MAbudgetingSlides.pdf |
1874 | Slides: Granularity of Documentation | DocumentationGranularitySlides.pdf |
1873 | Paper: Simplistic Financial Computations for System Architects. | SimplisticFinancialComputationsPaper.pdf |
1861 | Book: Reader OOTI course requirements engineering | OOTIrequirementsBook.pdf |
1853 | Slides: Stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift | ThesisStellingenSlides.pdf |
1838 | Slides: Module 25, Module Reasoning: Linking Business to Technology | ModuleTORSlides.pdf |
1837 | Paper: Systems Titles and Roles | SystemsTitlesAndRolesPaper.pdf |
1837 | : title unknown | INCOSE2017_Bergli_Falk_CostAnalysis.pdf |
1834 | Slides: The Importance of Feedback for Architecture | FeedbackSlides.pdf |
1829 | Slides: Systems Engineering applied on Energy Research Proposal | SEenergyResearchProposalSlides.pdf |
1824 | Paper: Architecting Interaction Styles | ArchitectingStylesPaper.pdf |
1823 | Paper: Architecture; the building as a product. | WDCarchitectingPaper.pdf |
1813 | Slides: Systems Engineering and Modeling at Start-Up Company | SEmodelingStartUpSlides.pdf |
1808 | Slides: Threads of reasoning illustrated by medical imaging case | PresentationMITORSlides.pdf |
1802 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Hansen_Muller_SetBasedDesign.pdf |
1791 | Slides: Overview of CAFCR and Threads of Reasoning | ArchitectingMethodOverviewSlides.pdf |
1787 | Slides: Lecture Requirements Engineering for the OOTI curriculum | OOTIcourseSlides.pdf |
1786 | Paper: Light Weight Review Process | LightWeightReviewPaper.pdf |
1785 | allSlides: Bachelor Course System Design, all slides | BachelorSDallSlides.pdf |
1782 | Paper: Documentation Tools Requirements and Design | MyDocumentationToolsPaper.pdf |
1781 | Slides: Guidelines for Visualization | VisualizationGuidelinesSlides.pdf |
1780 | Paper: Information Masters Course The Context of Embedded System Design | ESCcoursePaper.pdf |
1776 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016_HenangerEtAl_Tolerances.pdf |
1751 | Slides: Reliability of Software Intensive Systems | ReliabilityOfSoftwareIntensiveSystemsSlides.pdf |
1742 | Slides: Module 09, Human Side | ModuleHumanSideSlides.pdf |
1742 | : title unknown | EUSEC2010_DrotninghaugEtAl_SEatManganeseProduction.pdf |
1741 | Paper: Workshop How To | WorkshopHowToPaper.pdf |
1726 | Slides: Template How To | TemplateHowToSlides.pdf |
1726 | Paper: Semiconductor Software Strategy | SemiconductorSoftwareStrategyPaper.pdf |
1724 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Iteration and Time-boxing | MAiterationAndTimeboxingSlides.pdf |
1720 | : title unknown | SoSE2019_BorthEtAl_DigitalSOSStrategy.pdf |
1716 | old EV document: OO experiences in Medical Workstation Products | CFTlezing.pdf |
1713 | Slides: Architectural Refactoring; illustrated by MR. | ArchitecturalRefactoringMRSlides.pdf |
1713 | Paper: Research in Systems Architecting | ArchitectingResearchMethodPaper.pdf |
1708 | Paper: Threads of Reasoning in the Medical Imaging Case | MIthreadsOfReasoningPaper.pdf |
1701 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Stisen_Syverud.pdf |
1701 | Slides: From the soft and fuzzy context to SMART engineering. | FromFuzzyToSmartSlides.pdf |
1699 | Slides: Buskerud University College: Program Systems Engineering | BuskerudAgendaSlides.pdf |
1696 | Slides: Module 07, Supporting Processes | ModuleSupportingProcessesSlides.pdf |
1691 | Paper: Multi-view Architecting | IntegratingCAFCRPaper.pdf |
1689 | Slides: Concept Selection, Set Based Design and Late Decision Making | ConceptSelectionSetBasedSlides.pdf |
1681 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Bye_Piciaccia_SubseaCoolers.pdf |
1673 | old EV document: From OO-Predevelopment to Product to Re-use; Philips Software Conference 1993 | swConference1993.pdf |
1673 | Slides: How to Characterize SW and HW to Facilitate Predictable Design? | PerformanceEngineeringSlides.pdf |
1669 | Slides: Architecting for Humans; How to Transfer Experience? | ExperienceTransferSlides.pdf |
1669 | : title unknown | CSER2012_Muller_validationSEinIndustry.pdf |
1666 | Paper: The Human Side of Systems Architecting | HumanSidePaper.pdf |
1665 | : title unknown | NOVA_Muller_AdvancesInSystemsEngineeringResearch.pdf |
1664 | Slides: Communicating via CAFCR; illustrated by security example. | CommunicatingViaCAFCRSlides.pdf |
1662 | Paper: Challenges in High-Tech, illustrated in the medical domain | DYOFPaper.pdf |
1654 | allSlides: Lecture slides for the course Platforms and Evolvability | PEVOCallSlides.pdf |
1651 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Course Material | SEFmaterialSlides.pdf |
1643 | Slides: SESA course Systems Architecting | SARCHcourseSlides.pdf |
1637 | Slides: ASP Python Exercise | ASPpythonExerciseSlides.pdf |
1632 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016_Wee_Muller_Requirements.pdf |
1629 | Paper: Reflection applied on Systems Architecting | ReflectionAppliedOnSAPaper.pdf |
1629 | Paper: Module 15, Functional View | ModuleFunctionalViewPaper.pdf |
1628 | Slides: A Multi-Disciplinary Research Approach, Illustrated by the Boderc Project | MultiDisciplinaryResearchApproachSlides.pdf |
1626 | Slides: The Context of Embedded Systems Design, Module 0, Course Information | ModuleESCinfoSlides.pdf |
1624 | old EV document: Software Engineering Experiences from EasyVision; lecture at HIO (Computer Science Highschool) | hioLezing.pdf |
1623 | Paper: Use Case How To | UseCasesPaper.pdf |
1621 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Nilsen_Muller_NFRinA3.pdf |
1611 | Paper: Communicating via CAFCR; illustrated by security example. | CommunicatingViaCAFCRPaper.pdf |
1608 | Paper: Medical Imaging Workstation: CR Views | MIconceptualViewPaper.pdf |
1607 | Slides: Workshop Reflective Practice; from Student to Systems Engineer | RPfromStudentToSESlides.pdf |
1588 | Slides: How to appraise or assess an architect? | HowToAppraiseSlides.pdf |
1587 | Slides: Threads of Reasoning | ThreadsOfReasoningSlides.pdf |
1584 | Paper: Architect and Human Measure; the integration role | ArchitectAndHumanMeasurePaper.pdf |
1582 | : title unknown | INCOSE2006_FreriksEtAl_BudgetBasedDesign.pdf |
1581 | Slides: Module 08, Role of Software | ModuleRoleOfSoftwareSlides.pdf |
1581 | Slides: From Legacy to State-of-the-art; Architectural Refactoring. | ArchitecturalRefactoringSlides.pdf |
1567 | Paper: Balancing Genericity and Specificity | GenericityVsSpecificityPaper.pdf |
1565 | Paper: Course Execution Architecture | EAcoursePaper.pdf |
1563 | Slides: Challenges in High-Tech, illustrated in the medical domain | DYOFSlides.pdf |
1562 | Slides: Performance Method Fundamentals | PerformanceMethodFundamentalsSlides.pdf |
1561 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Application Models | MAapplicationSlides.pdf |
1559 | Slides: SARCH/SESA Module 00, Course Information | ModuleSARCHinfoSlides.pdf |
1559 | Paper: Medical Imaging in Chronological Order | MIchronologicalPaper.pdf |
1555 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis: Measuring | MAmeasuringPaper.pdf |
1550 | Slides: From Autonomous Subsystems to Integrated System | FromAutonomousToIntegratedSlides.pdf |
1546 | Slides: Capability development at the Embedded Systems Institute | ESIcapabilitiesSlides.pdf |
1545 | Slides: Role of Systems Architecting in Innovation | RoleInInnovationSlides.pdf |
1540 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis Overview | ModelingAndAnalysisOverviewPaper.pdf |
1534 | : title unknown | INCOSE2015_MullerEtAl_SubseaOverviewA3.pdf |
1529 | : title unknown | SESG_FollstadA3overviews.pdf |
1521 | Paper: Story Telling in Medical Imaging | MIstoriesPaper.pdf |
1520 | Slides: Use Case How To | UseCasesSlides.pdf |
1520 | Slides: The Informal Nature of Systems Engineering | InformalNatureSystemsEngineeringSlides.pdf |
1509 | Slides: Architecting and Standardization | ArchitectingAndStandardizationSlides.pdf |
1508 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis: Budgeting | MAbudgetingPaper.pdf |
1505 | Slides: Architecture; the building as a product. | WDCarchitectingSlides.pdf |
1505 | Paper: From story to design illustrated by medical imaging | MIstoryToDesignPaper.pdf |
1503 | Paper: Products, Projects, and Services; similarities and differences in architecting | ProductsProjectsServicesPaper.pdf |
1502 | Paper: Module 20 Medical Imaging case, CAFCR illustration | ModuleMICAFCRPaper.pdf |
1498 | Paper: Threads of Reasoning | ThreadsOfReasoningPaper.pdf |
1496 | Paper: Execution Architecture Soft Real Time design | EAsoftRealTimePaper.pdf |
1487 | Slides: Story How To | StoryHowToSlides.pdf |
1482 | old EV document: PMS workstation requirements 1993. | WorkstationRequirements1993.pdf |
1474 | Paper: Module 08, Role of Software | ModuleRoleOfSoftwarePaper.pdf |
1466 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Gullhav_Haskins.pdf |
1466 | Paper: Aggregation Levels | AggregationLevelsPaper.pdf |
1463 | Paper: Sub methods in the CAF Views | TCAFsubMethodsPaper.pdf |
1458 | Slides: Lean Architecting, the Way of the Future? | LeanArchitectingSlides.pdf |
1455 | : title unknown | MyDocumentationImplementationPaper.pdf |
1455 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Reasoning | MAreasoningSlides.pdf |
1455 | old EV document: HBOC lezing, 1996. | HBOClezing.pdf |
1453 | : title unknown | HIBUflyersSlides.pdf |
1451 | Slides: System Architecting Forum Introduction | SAFintroSlides.pdf |
1450 | Paper: Architecting for Humans; How to Transfer Experience? | ExperienceTransferPaper.pdf |
1450 | : title unknown | CSER2006_vdWaalEtAl_Methodology.pdf |
1446 | Paper: Systems Engineering Research Validation | SEresearchValidationPaper.pdf |
1444 | Paper: Basic Methods | ThesisBWMAPaper.pdf |
1438 | Paper: Human Side: Team Work | HSteamWorkPaper.pdf |
1437 | Slides: What is Systems Architecting in an Industrial Context? | WhatIsArchitectingSlides.pdf |
1437 | : title unknown | INCOSE2017_Frovold_A3.pdf |
1428 | Paper: Tutorial Roadmapping for Strategy Support | TutorialRoadmappingForStrategySupportPaper.pdf |
1427 | Paper: Realization View | RealizationViewPaper.pdf |
1424 | Slides: Teaching Systems Engineering to Undergraduates; Experiences and Considerations | TeachingSEundergraduateSlides.pdf |
1423 | : title unknown | INCOSE2007_Muller_integration.pdf |
1420 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_ThygesenEtAl_InformationTransferToInstallation.pdf |
1412 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_RypdalEtAl_ModelMaker.pdf |
1410 | Paper: Experiences of Teaching Systems Architecting | SARCHexperiencePaper.pdf |
1410 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018_Nilsen_Falk_InterfaceManagement.pdf |
1405 | Slides: Module 15, Functional View | ModuleFunctionalViewSlides.pdf |
1403 | document: title unknown | InformatieArtikelNovember2003.pdf |
1392 | Slides: Systems Engineering Case Study: Wafer Handling for Solar Cell Production Equipment | SolarCaseSESlides.pdf |
1391 | Slides: Gaudí Documentation Tools Requirements and Design | GaudiDocumentationToolsReqSlides.pdf |
1389 | Paper: Tutorial Human Side of Systems Architecting | TutorialSAhumanSidePaper.pdf |
1387 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018_Viken_MullerA3.pdf |
1381 | Slides: The Role of the Architect in a Turbulent World | RoleArchitectTurbulentWorldSlides.pdf |
1380 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Assignments | SEcourseResearchMethodsAssignmentsSlides.pdf |
1379 | Slides: Industry-as-Laboratory Applied in Practice: The Boderc Project | IndustryAsLaboratoryAppliedSlides.pdf |
1374 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016_Svendsen_Haskins_A3problemResolution.pdf |
1372 | Slides: Simplistic Financial Computations for System Architects. | SimplisticFinancialComputationsSlides.pdf |
1372 | Paper: A Method to Explore Synergy between Products | MethodToExploreSynergyPaper.pdf |
1364 | Paper: Module 14, Architecting Method Overview | ModuleArchitectingMethodOverviewPaper.pdf |
1358 | : title unknown | SSMEoverviewA3.pdf |
1353 | Slides: Introduction to System Performance Design | PerformanceIntroSlides.pdf |
1352 | Slides: Execution Architecture Soft Real Time design | EAsoftRealTimeSlides.pdf |
1349 | Slides: Realization View | RealizationViewSlides.pdf |
1349 | Slides: Module 12, Execution Architecture approach and concepts | ModuleEAconceptsSlides.pdf |
1345 | old EV document: Re-use in Workstation Products; Internal lecture at MR department September 1994 | mrlezing.pdf |
1345 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_SandbergEtAl_MBE.pdf |
1341 | Slides: SubSea Modeling Example | SubSeaModelingExampleSlides.pdf |
1328 | : title unknown | PFBusinessAnalysisAndDefinitionPaper.pdf |
1318 | Slides: Exploring an existing code base: measurements and instrumentation | ExploringByMeasuringInstrumentingSlides.pdf |
1314 | Paper: Exploring an existing code base: measurements and instrumentation | ExploringByMeasuringInstrumentingPaper.pdf |
1309 | Paper: SEMA System Modeling and Analysis Course | SEMAcoursePaper.pdf |
1308 | Paper: CTT course MSARCH System Architecting for Management Teams | ShortSARCHcoursePaper.pdf |
1308 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018_Londal_Falk_A3subsea.pdf |
1305 | Slides: Formula Based Performance Design | PerformanceFormulasSlides.pdf |
1301 | old EV document: Image quality with EasyVision; PMS Image Quality Seminar; June 20, 1996 | ImageQuality.pdf |
1300 | : title unknown | CSER2015_Muller_ReflectivePractice.pdf |
1296 | Slides: Module 16, Customer Side | ModuleCAviewsSlides.pdf |
1295 | Paper: ESI/CTT course ESA | ESAcoursePaper.pdf |
1294 | Paper: Capability development at the Embedded Systems Institute | ESIcapabilitiesPaper.pdf |
1287 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value | SystemsArchitectingFundamentalsMOOCSlides.pdf |
1286 | Slides: The Tool Box of the System Architect | ToolBoxSystemArchitectSlides.pdf |
1285 | Slides: Visualizing Dynamic Behavior | VisualizingDynamicBehaviorSlides.pdf |
1284 | Slides: SEMA System Modeling and Analysis Course | SEMAcourseSlides.pdf |
1283 | Slides: Medical Imaging in Chronological Order | MIchronologicalSlides.pdf |
1277 | Slides: Archipelago: Architecture | ArchipelagoSlides.pdf |
1269 | Paper: How to Characterize SW and HW to Facilitate Predictable Design? | PerformanceEngineeringPaper.pdf |
1266 | Slides: Exploration of the bloating of software | BloatingExploredSlides.pdf |
1262 | Slides: Information Masters Course The Context of Embedded System Design | ESCcourseSlides.pdf |
1262 | Paper: Didactic Recommendations for Education in Systems Engineering | DidacticRecommendationsSEPaper.pdf |
1260 | Slides: Architect and Human Measure; the integration role | ArchitectAndHumanMeasureSlides.pdf |
1257 | : title unknown | SRF2010-2_Engebakken_Muller_Pennotti_Modeling.pdf |
1257 | Paper: Human Factors in Defense | HumanFactorsInDefensePaper.pdf |
1256 | Slides: Qualities as Integrating Needles | QualityNeedlesSlides.pdf |
1253 | old EV document: Technology Improvement Plan; internal presentation 1993 | evolution.pdf |
1253 | Slides: Soft Real Time Design | PerformanceSRTSlides.pdf |
1248 | Slides: Architecting User Value: From Technical Engineering to Value Engineering | ArchitectingUserValueSlides.pdf |
1247 | Slides: Story Telling in Medical Imaging | MIstoriesSlides.pdf |
1247 | document: title unknown | BitsEnChipsInterviewGerritMuller.pdf |
1245 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018_Ulsvik_Falk_ConfigureToOrder.pdf |
1243 | Slides: LEAN and A3 Approach to Supporting Processes | LEANandA3Slides.pdf |
1241 | Slides: Tutorial Human Side of Systems Architecting | TutorialSAhumanSideSlides.pdf |
1240 | Paper: Multi-Objective Embedded Systems Design, based on CAFCR | CAFCRcoursePaper.pdf |
1239 | Paper: Module 18, Quality Needles | ModuleQualitiesPaper.pdf |
1236 | Slides: The Position of Research | PositionOfResearchSlides.pdf |
1235 | Slides: Tutorial Roadmapping for Strategy Support | TutorialRoadmappingForStrategySupportSlides.pdf |
1234 | Paper: Stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift | ThesisStellingenPaper.pdf |
1230 | Paper: Formula Based Performance Design | PerformanceFormulasPaper.pdf |
1226 | Slides: Measurement issues; From gathering numbers to gathering knowledge, by Ton Kostelijk | MeasurementExecArchSlides.pdf |
1215 | old EV document: TUE lezing, 1996. | TUElezing.pdf |
1212 | : title unknown | PFBusinessAnalysisAndDefinitionSlides.pdf |
1212 | Slides: Module 17, Design Side | ModuleCRviewsSlides.pdf |
1211 | Paper: Do Useful Multi-Domain Methods Exist? | MultiDomainMethodsPaper.pdf |
1206 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis: Reasoning | MAreasoningPaper.pdf |
1205 | Slides: Module 14, Architecting Method Overview | ModuleArchitectingMethodOverviewSlides.pdf |
1205 | Paper: Architecture | BuildingBridgesPaper.pdf |
1204 | Slides: Positioning the System Architecture Process | PositioningSystemArchitectureProcessSlides.pdf |
1202 | allSlides: All lecture slides SERP: Reflective Practice | SERPallSlides.pdf |
1198 | Slides: The Human Side of Systems Architecting | HumanSideSlides.pdf |
1188 | Paper: Module 17, Design Side | ModuleCRviewsPaper.pdf |
1187 | Paper: Architecting and Standardization | ArchitectingAndStandardizationPaper.pdf |
1185 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: System Model | MAsystemModelSlides.pdf |
1183 | Slides: Why Quantified Insight in System Design is Required. | QuantifiedSystemDesignSlides.pdf |
1182 | Slides: Module Modeling and Analysis course info | ModuleMAinfoSlides.pdf |
1178 | : title unknown | SESG_MulhollandRobiX.pdf |
1178 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Stalsberg_Muller_ModelingProductionLine.pdf |
1175 | Slides: Products, Projects, and Services; similarities and differences in architecting | ProductsProjectsServicesSlides.pdf |
1171 | Paper: The Position of Research | PositionOfResearchPaper.pdf |
1169 | Slides: MSARCH Module 00, Course Information and Gaudí Project | ModuleSSARCHinfoSlides.pdf |
1159 | Paper: Systems Thinking and Agility; Think Big, Act Small | SystemsAndAgilityPaper.pdf |
1156 | Paper: Requirements Elicitation and Selection | RequirementsElicitationAndSelectionPaper.pdf |
1153 | Slides: Validation and Verification Terminology | ValidationAndVerificationTerminologySlides.pdf |
1153 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Hardware, Software, System! | MSIhardwareSoftwareSystemSlides.pdf |
1150 | Slides: CTT course MSARCH System Architecting for Management Teams | ShortSARCHcourseSlides.pdf |
1150 | Slides: Multi-view Architecting | IntegratingCAFCRSlides.pdf |
1148 | Slides: Buskerud University College Systems Engineering Publication Procedure | BuskerudSEpublicationProcedureSlides.pdf |
1144 | Slides: Aggregation Levels | AggregationLevelsSlides.pdf |
1132 | Slides: description Bachelor Course System Design | BachelorSDcourseSlides.pdf |
1127 | Slides: Master Project; Writing an Abstract | MasterProjectWritingAnAbstractSlides.pdf |
1124 | Slides: Business Strategy; Methods and Models | BusinessStrategyMethodsModelsSlides.pdf |
1118 | Paper: Industry and Academia: Why Practioners and Researchers are Disconnected. | GapIndustryAcademicsPaper.pdf |
1114 | Paper: The Future of Architecting Research | FutureOfArchitectingResearchPaper.pdf |
1112 | : title unknown | SESG_AnderssonSystemsIntegrationReflection.pdf |
1111 | Slides: Research in Systems Architecting | ArchitectingResearchMethodSlides.pdf |
1110 | Slides: Performance Design of Streaming Systems | PerformanceStreamingSlides.pdf |
1110 | Slides: Architecting Interaction Styles | ArchitectingStylesSlides.pdf |
1109 | Paper: Positioning Architecting Methods in the business | PositioningCAFCRinBusinessPaper.pdf |
1107 | Paper: Module 22, Modeling and Analysis: System Model | ModuleMAperformancePaper.pdf |
1105 | Slides: Understanding the human factor by making understandable visualizations | UnderstandingHumanFactorVisualizationsSlides.pdf |
1104 | Slides: Module 22, Modeling and Analysis: System Model | ModuleMAperformanceSlides.pdf |
1103 | Slides: Master Project; Execution Phase | MasterProjectProjectExecutionSlides.pdf |
1103 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis Fundamentals of Technology | MAfundamentalsOfTechnologySlides.pdf |
1102 | Slides: Increasing Interoperability, what is the Impact on Reliability? Illustrated with Health care examples | InteroperabilitySlides.pdf |
1101 | Slides: From Industrial Experience to System Architecting Know-how | FromIndustryToKnowHowSlides.pdf |
1101 | allSlides: All lecture slides ASP; Architecting System Performance | ASPallSlides.pdf |
1099 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis Fundamentals of Technology | MAfundamentalsOfTechnologyPaper.pdf |
1099 | Slides: Course Execution Architecture | EAcourseSlides.pdf |
1092 | Paper: Sub methods in the CR Views | TCRsubMethodsPaper.pdf |
1092 | : title unknown | EnglishNLDlectureKongsberg.pdf |
1089 | Paper: Evaluation of the Architecting Method | ARevaluationPaper.pdf |
1083 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Course Overview | MSIoverviewSlides.pdf |
1081 | Slides: Medical Imaging; Evolution of Understanding | MIevolutionSlides.pdf |
1076 | Slides: EA Module 0, Course Information Execution Architecture | ModuleEAinfoSlides.pdf |
1074 | : title unknown | INCOSE2008_Muller_standardization.pdf |
1072 | Slides: Light Weight Review Process | LightWeightReviewSlides.pdf |
1069 | Slides: The Art Of Innovation; How to bypass countless hurdles? | TheArtOfInnovationSlides.pdf |
1067 | Paper: Gaudí Web Site Requirements | GaudiWebSiteReqPaper.pdf |
1067 | Paper: Dynamic Range of Abstraction Levels in Architecting | DynamicRangeAbstractionLevelsPaper.pdf |
1066 | Paper: Module 21, Modeling and Analysis; Fundamentals of Technology | ModuleMAfundamentalsTechnologyPaper.pdf |
1058 | Slides: Do Useful Multi-Domain Methods Exist? | MultiDomainMethodsSlides.pdf |
1054 | : title unknown | MyDocumentationImplementationSlides.pdf |
1049 | Paper: Module 24, Modeling and Analysis: Integration and Reasoning | ModuleMAreasoningPaper.pdf |
1046 | Paper: Performance Method Fundamentals | PerformanceMethodFundamentalsPaper.pdf |
1041 | old EV document: Historical overview of EasyVision products and applications. | history.pdf |
1039 | Slides: From Techno-nerd to Stakeholder Representative | DelftNovember2000Slides.pdf |
1038 | : title unknown | SESG_Wiulsr%C3%B8dA3overviews.pdf |
1035 | Slides: Module 21, Modeling and Analysis; Fundamentals of Technology | ModuleMAfundamentalsTechnologySlides.pdf |
1031 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis: System Model | MAsystemModelPaper.pdf |
1030 | : title unknown | INCOSE2010_Muller_ModelingWhenAndWhere.pdf |
1029 | Slides: Status of IT Architecting: Progression or Regression? | ProgressionOrRegressionSlides.pdf |
1027 | Slides: Scenario How To | ScenariosSlides.pdf |
1023 | Slides: Short Introduction Course in Systems Engineering | ShortIntroCourseSESlides.pdf |
1023 | Slides: Dynamic Range of Abstraction Levels in Architecting | DynamicRangeAbstractionLevelsSlides.pdf |
1019 | Slides: Basic Methods | ThesisBWMASlides.pdf |
1017 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016_Callister_Andersson_SMARTtechnicalDebt.pdf |
1017 | Paper: Evaluation from a Wider Context | ARevaluationOtherPaper.pdf |
1014 | Paper: Systems Architecting: a Business Perspective Instructor's Manual | SAinstructorsManualPaper.pdf |
1012 | Paper: Module 19, Story Telling | ModuleStoryTellingPaper.pdf |
1012 | Paper: Module CAFCR course info | ModuleCAFCRinfoPaper.pdf |
1009 | : title unknown | CSER2008_Muller_EvolvabilityRA.pdf |
1004 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Readiness Levels | MSIreadinessLevelsSlides.pdf |
1001 | : title unknown | INCOSE2007_BeckersEtAl_EffectiveModeling.pdf |
997 | Slides: Multi-view Architecting | TheIndustreeDecember2000Slides.pdf |
996 | Slides: Balancing Process and Content; Understanding Architecting in relation with Other Processes | BalancingProcessContentSlides.pdf |
993 | Slides: Module 24, Modeling and Analysis: Integration and Reasoning | ModuleMAreasoningSlides.pdf |
992 | Paper: description Bachelor Course System Design | BachelorSDcoursePaper.pdf |
984 | : title unknown | ICSSEA2006_HeemelsEtAl_KeyDrivers.pdf |
979 | Slides: Introductie voor de verdediging van het proefschrift | LekenPraatjeSlides.pdf |
979 | : title unknown | CSER2022_HelleEtAl.pdf |
975 | Slides: Sub methods in the CAF Views | TCAFsubMethodsSlides.pdf |
970 | Paper: Typical vs Worst Case | TypicalVsWorstCasePaper.pdf |
969 | : title unknown | CSER2009_MullervdLaar_RAresearch.pdf |
968 | Slides: ESA Module 0, Course Information and Gaudí Project | ModuleESAinfoSlides.pdf |
963 | Paper: Systems Architects And Supporting Processes | ArchitectsAndSupportingProcessesPaper.pdf |
956 | Slides: Positioning Embedded Systems Initiatives | ESIpositioningSlides.pdf |
956 | : title unknown | CSER2012_SafiMullerBonnema_SEonEnergyProblem.pdf |
939 | Slides: Module CAFCR course info | ModuleCAFCRinfoSlides.pdf |
932 | Slides: Linux Visualization | LinuxVisualizationSlides.pdf |
931 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Project Management | MSIprojectManagementSlides.pdf |
931 | Slides: Evaluation of the Architecting Method | ARevaluationSlides.pdf |
928 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_Muller_Bonnema_TeachingSEundergraduate.pdf |
922 | Paper: Change Management; Introducing Systems Architecting Aspects | ChangeManagementIntoducingSystemsPaper.pdf |
921 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Modularity and Integration | MAintegrationSlides.pdf |
921 | : title unknown | CSER2009_Muller_BootstrappingSEresearch.pdf |
916 | : title unknown | CIRP2014_Muller_TeachingConceptualModeling.pdf |
915 | Slides: Systems Titles and Roles | SystemsTitlesAndRolesSlides.pdf |
912 | Slides: Save Money by Investing In Models; Failing Early is More affordable Than Failing Late | SaveMoneyInvestInModelsSlides.pdf |
911 | : title unknown | proefschrift_jkm_abstract.pdf |
906 | : title unknown | INCOSE2005_Muller_DisconnectResearchParctitioners.pdf |
905 | Slides: Human Factors in Defense | HumanFactorsInDefenseSlides.pdf |
903 | Slides: Propositions Accompanying the Dissertation | ThesisPropositionsSlides.pdf |
903 | Slides: Positioning the CAFCR Method in the World | PositioningArchitecturalReasoningSlides.pdf |
902 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Background of the Course | MAbackgroundSlides.pdf |
898 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_GuntveitEtAl.pdf |
896 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_PesselseEtAl_A3AOs.pdf |
895 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Aas-Haug_Haskins.pdf |
893 | Slides: Human Side: Team Work | HSteamWorkSlides.pdf |
883 | : title unknown | INCOSE2008_Muller_rightSizingRA.pdf |
879 | Slides: Documentation Tools Requirements and Design | MyDocumentationToolsSlides.pdf |
879 | : title unknown | INCOSE2007_Muller_ArchitectureOverview.pdf |
875 | : title unknown | INCOSE2017_Bryn_MullerToleranceManagement.pdf |
874 | Slides: Module 18, Quality Needles | ModuleQualitiesSlides.pdf |
871 | Slides: Reflection applied on Systems Architecting | ReflectionAppliedOnSASlides.pdf |
867 | Slides: ESI/CTT course ESA | ESAcourseSlides.pdf |
864 | Slides: Best Duurzaam Roadmap A3s | BestDuurzaamRoadmapA3sSlides.pdf |
863 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018_Rosegg_Falk_PMinVV.pdf |
863 | Slides: What devilish detail might kill your grand design? An example of connecting breadth and depth | ConnectingBreadthAndDepthSlides.pdf |
862 | Paper: Modeling and Analysis: Analysis | MAanalysisPaper.pdf |
862 | : title unknown | EUSEC2010_Muller_SEatStartUp.pdf |
861 | : title unknown | INCOSE2004_Muller_ExperiencesTeachingSARCH.pdf |
856 | Slides: Requirements Elicitation and Selection | RequirementsElicitationAndSelectionSlides.pdf |
856 | Slides: Module Platform and Evolvability; Process and People | ModulePEprocessPeopleSlides.pdf |
856 | Slides: Gaudí Web Site Requirements | GaudiWebSiteReqSlides.pdf |
853 | Paper: Five Years of Multi-Disciplinary Academic and Industrial Research; Lessons Learned | BodercLessonsLearnedPaper.pdf |
848 | Slides: Sub methods in the CR Views | TCRsubMethodsSlides.pdf |
848 | Slides: Industry Needs for Academic Systems Knowledge | IndustryNeedsAcademicSystemsKnowledgeSlides.pdf |
848 | Slides: Gaudi Project; from Incremental Growth towards Publication | GaudiTowardsPublicationSlides.pdf |
846 | Slides: Story Telling | ThesisStorySlides.pdf |
845 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis Overview | ModelingAndAnalysisOverviewSlides.pdf |
841 | Slides: Consolidating Architecture Overviews | ConsolidatingArchitectureOverviewsSlides.pdf |
837 | Slides: Module 39, Architectural Reasoning Wrap-up | ModuleARwrapUpSlides.pdf |
829 | Slides: Architecture | BuildingBridgesSlides.pdf |
826 | Slides: Typical vs Worst Case | TypicalVsWorstCaseSlides.pdf |
823 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Analysis | MAanalysisSlides.pdf |
823 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_RoedEtAl_IKA.pdf |
821 | : title unknown | SESG_BonnemaA3Overview.pdf |
819 | Slides: Module 25, Modeling and Analysis: Analysis and Using Models | ModuleMAanalysisSlides.pdf |
819 | Slides: How Reference Architectures support the evolution of Product Families; the Darwin research project | DarwinEvolutionViaRASlides.pdf |
819 | Slides: Evaluation from a Wider Context | ARevaluationOtherSlides.pdf |
813 | Slides: Future of the ESA course | ESAfutureSlides.pdf |
810 | Slides: Tutorial Architectural Reasoning Using Conceptual Modeling | TutorialARconceptualModelingSlides.pdf |
806 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_MarenEtAl.pdf |
804 | Slides: Understanding and Validating Value | UnderstandingAndValidatingValueSlides.pdf |
802 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Muller_NewMasterInSE.pdf |
797 | Slides: Connecting Theory and Practice in the Master Systems Engineering | ConnectingTheoryAndPracticeSlides.pdf |
796 | Slides: Evolvable Product Families; What and Why? | EvolvableProductFamiliesSlides.pdf |
795 | Slides: Hard Real Time Design | PerformanceHRTSlides.pdf |
795 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Assignments | MSIassignmentsSlides.pdf |
794 | Slides: Less Heavy Systems Engineering; How Much is Appropriate? | LessHeavySystemsEngineeringSlides.pdf |
791 | Slides: Reflection on Research Method to Study Architecting Methods | ReflectionOnResearchMethodSlides.pdf |
789 | Slides: SEMA Basic Philosophy | SEMAbasicsSlides.pdf |
786 | Slides: Change Management; Introducing Systems Architecting Aspects | ChangeManagementIntoducingSystemsSlides.pdf |
784 | Slides: Exploring Product Line Opportunities | ExploringProductLineOpportunitiesSlides.pdf |
778 | Slides: Architect as Content Leader | ArchitectAsContentLeaderSlides.pdf |
777 | Slides: From Techno-nerd to Stakeholder Representative | TechnonerdToStakeholderSlides.pdf |
773 | : title unknown | ChapterMuller_Hamberg_SoScaseWarehouse.pdf |
762 | : title unknown | INCOSE2006_SandeeEtAl_ThreadsOfReasoning.pdf |
761 | Slides: Platform and Evolvability Course | PlatformEvolvabilityCourseSlides.pdf |
760 | : title unknown | INCOSE2017_Nykaas_Zhao_ROV.pdf |
758 | Slides: Module 26, Modeling and Analysis: Simulation | ModuleMAsimulationSlides.pdf |
751 | Slides: The Future of Architecting Research | FutureOfArchitectingResearchSlides.pdf |
750 | Slides: Module CAFCR wrap up | ModuleCAFCRwrapUpSlides.pdf |
742 | Paper: SEMA Homework Assignment | SEMAhomeworkAssignmentPaper.pdf |
741 | Slides: Positioning Architecting Methods in the business | PositioningCAFCRinBusinessSlides.pdf |
741 | Slides: Back of the Envelope Estimates | BackOfTheEnvelopeSlides.pdf |
739 | Slides: Balancing Genericity and Specificity | GenericityVsSpecificitySlides.pdf |
737 | : title unknown | WSPC2009_Muller_SystemAndContextModeling.pdf |
736 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_Sjokvist_Kjorstad_DesignThinking.pdf |
732 | : title unknown | FM2005_Muller_InformalNatureSE.pdf |
728 | Slides: Roadmapping For Sustainability in Best | RoadmappingForSustainabilityBestSlides.pdf |
727 | : title unknown | INCOSE2007_Muller_ModelingHierarchy.pdf |
725 | Slides: Module 34, Architectural Reasoning Customer Space Analysis | ModuleARcustomerSpaceAnalysisSlides.pdf |
725 | : title unknown | CSER2007_MullerHeemels_LessonsLearned.pdf |
724 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Introduction | MSIintroSlides.pdf |
722 | : title unknown | SESG_SkullestadA3forEarlySWdevelopment.pdf |
722 | : title unknown | INCOSE2005_Muller_DidacticRecommendations.pdf |
721 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_Johanssen_Zhao_A3AO.pdf |
720 | Slides: SEMA Homework Assignment | SEMAhomeworkAssignmentSlides.pdf |
717 | Slides: Industry Master in Systems Engineering | IndustryMasterSystemsEngineeringSlides.pdf |
713 | Slides: Researching how to Connect Business and Customer World to Engineering World | ResearchingConnectionBusinessEngineeringSlides.pdf |
702 | Slides: Module 36, Architectural Reasoning Business and Life Cycle | ModuleARbusinessAndLifeCycleSlides.pdf |
696 | Slides: SEMA Methods Overview | SEMAmethodsOverviewSlides.pdf |
694 | Slides: Module 30, Architectural Reasoning Introduction | ModuleARintroSlides.pdf |
694 | Slides: Systems Architects And Supporting Processes | ArchitectsAndSupportingProcessesSlides.pdf |
691 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Fallro_Falk.pdf |
690 | Slides: Module 35, Architectural Reasoning Conceptual Design | ModuleARconceptualDesignSlides.pdf |
689 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis; Performance Modeling | MAperformanceModelingSlides.pdf |
688 | : title unknown | SESG_AlikhaniSystemsIntegrationAndLEAN.pdf |
687 | Slides: Module 37, Architectural Reasoning Threads and Integration | ModuleARthreadsAndIntegrationSlides.pdf |
685 | : title unknown | SCME2015_Muller_objectivesOfCM.pdf |
685 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Course Didactics | ASPcourseDidacticsSlides.pdf |
684 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_KvanvikEtAl_EarlyValidation.pdf |
681 | : title unknown | TotaleScriptie.11.pdf |
681 | : title unknown | SECRM_Falk_LiteratureWhyWhatHowAndPracticalities.pdf |
680 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Integration Strategy | MSIcookbookSlides.pdf |
673 | Slides: Conceptual Modeling: How to Connect Architecture Overview and Design Details? | ConceptualModelingConnectingAOtoDetailsSlides.pdf |
669 | Slides: Peer Learning in Systems Engineering | PeerLearningInSystemsEngineeringSlides.pdf |
666 | : title unknown | INCOSE2007_vdBoschEtAl_ModelingHardwSoftw.pdf |
664 | : title unknown | SESG_MoenRequirementsEngineering.pdf |
664 | Slides: Light Weight Simulation | LightWeightSimulationSlides.pdf |
664 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_Boge_Falk_A3AOforPM.pdf |
662 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Deployment and Commissioning | SEFdeploymentSlides.pdf |
662 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Elvebakk_SustainabilityRoadmap.pdf |
662 | Slides: The implementation of the Gaudí Log Analysis | GaudiLogAnalysisSlides.pdf |
658 | : title unknown | SoSE2016_Aune_etAl_SEMA.pdf |
658 | Slides: From Sensor to System; Sensor Architecting | FromSensorToSystemSlides.pdf |
654 | Slides: Systems of Systems Case study | SystemsOfSystemsCaseStudySlides.pdf |
654 | Slides: Module 33, Architectural Reasoning Design Fundamentals | ModuleARdesignFundamentalsSlides.pdf |
651 | Slides: Module 38, Architectural Reasoning Modeling | ModuleARmodelingSlides.pdf |
647 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Framework | SEcourseResearchMethodsFrameworkSlides.pdf |
647 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_Klocker_Zhao_ReqMan.pdf |
642 | : title unknown | SoSE2019_MullerEtAl_sustainability.pdf |
638 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Course Material | MSImaterialSlides.pdf |
637 | Slides: Roadmapping for Sustainability; How to Navigate a Social, Political, and Many Systems-of-Systems Playing Field? A Local Initiative | SoSE2019sustainabilityRoadmapBestSlides.pdf |
637 | Slides: Module 32, Architectural Reasoning Customer Space Sampling | ModuleARcustomerSpaceSamplingSlides.pdf |
635 | : title unknown | SoSE2018_Muller_Falk_oilAndGas.pdf |
633 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_TrogstadEtAL.pdf |
630 | : title unknown | SESG_PolanscakRevisitingA3s.pdf |
627 | Slides: Systems Engineering Project Product Introduction | SEprojectProductIntroSlides.pdf |
626 | : title unknown | UIIN2018_Muller_Naess_Sverreson_IndustryMaster.pdf |
621 | Slides: When and Where to support understanding and communication of What and How | WhenWhereSlides.pdf |
612 | Slides: Initial CAFCR Scan | InitialCAFCRscanSlides.pdf |
612 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Business Context - Stakeholders | ABVstakeholdersSlides.pdf |
609 | Slides: Methods to Explore the Customer Perspective | MethodsToExploreTheCustomerPerspectiveSlides.pdf |
604 | : title unknown | SoSE2019_MullerEtAl_DynamicBehavior.pdf |
602 | : title unknown | INCOSE2009_Muller_interoperability.pdf |
601 | Slides: Iteration How To | IterationHowToSlides.pdf |
600 | Slides: Module 31, Architectural Reasoning Case Exploration | ModuleARcaseExplorationSlides.pdf |
599 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; T-shaped Architects | ABVtShapedSlides.pdf |
595 | : title unknown | SERMrubrics.pdf |
592 | : title unknown | proefschrift_jkm_stelling.pdf |
591 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Terminology | MSIterminologySlides.pdf |
588 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Reasoning Approach | MAreasoningApproachSlides.pdf |
585 | : title unknown | CSER2022_LarsenEtAl.pdf |
581 | : title unknown | SOSE2016_Mathews_Muller_AIS.pdf |
580 | : title unknown | SEMPrubrics.pdf |
580 | : title unknown | CoursePaper.pdf |
578 | : title unknown | MyWebPagePaper.pdf |
577 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_SletakerEtAl.pdf |
576 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019_AzizEtAl_ProactiveQuality.pdf |
572 | Slides: Developing Architecting Competence; What and How, Hard and Soft | DevelopingArchitectingCompetenceWHSlides.pdf |
572 | : title unknown | CSER2005_Muller_MultiDomainMethods.pdf |
570 | Slides: Roadmapping For Sustainability | RoadmappingForSustainabilitySlides.pdf |
561 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_VrenneEtAL.pdf |
560 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Introduction | ABVintroSlides.pdf |
559 | Slides: Competence Development Program; Vision on Architecting and Education | CDPvisionSlides.pdf |
558 | : title unknown | SESG_BonnemaDemoA3.pdf |
556 | allSlides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Course | SEfundamentalsCourseallSlides.pdf |
556 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationOct2014.pdf |
556 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Level of Abstraction | ASPlevelOfAbstractionSlides.pdf |
555 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_SundetEtAL.pdf |
552 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_KjeldaasEtAL.pdf |
548 | Paper: Software Productivity for Consumer Appliances | SoftwareProductivityPaper.pdf |
548 | Slides: SEMA Assignments | SEMAassignmentsSlides.pdf |
547 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis; Modeling Paradigms | MAmodelingParadigmsSlides.pdf |
542 | : title unknown | SOSE2016_Charite_Muller_non-verbalCommunication.pdf |
542 | Slides: Industry as Laboratory Research | IndustryAsLaboratoryResearchSlides.pdf |
542 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Tunheim_Falk.pdf |
542 | Slides: Eliciting and Validating Stakeholder Needs | ElicitingAndValidatingStakeholderNeedsSlides.pdf |
541 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Learning by Reflection | ABVlearningByReflectionSlides.pdf |
540 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Early Validation | MSIearlyValidationSlides.pdf |
540 | Slides: Storage Tank A3s; an Example of Conceptual Modeling | BDstorageTankA3sSlides.pdf |
540 | Paper: Agile Organisation | AgileOrganisationPaper.pdf |
538 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Process and Positioning | MSIprocessAndPositioningSlides.pdf |
536 | : title unknown | inno4sd_STI-Policy-roadmap-SDGs-Guidelines.pdf |
535 | : title unknown | SoSE2021_LynghaugEtAlSEinConstruction.pdf |
532 | Slides: Autonomy, how much human in the loop? Architecting systems for complex contexts | ArchitectingAutonomyComplexSystemsSlides.pdf |
532 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; System of Interest | ABVsystemOfInterestSlides.pdf |
531 | Slides: Five Years of Multi-Disciplinary Academic and Industrial Research; Lessons Learned | BodercLessonsLearnedSlides.pdf |
530 | : title unknown | SESG_NilsenExperiencesWithA3sInDevotek.pdf |
529 | : title unknown | SoSE2019_KjorstadEtAl_UserNeeds.pdf |
528 | Paper: test | testPaper.pdf |
528 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Testing | MSItestingSlides.pdf |
528 | Slides: Vision on Architecture | ArchitectureVisionSlides.pdf |
526 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Supply Chain and Logistics | SEFsupplyChainSlides.pdf |
526 | Paper: Positioning Embedded Systems Initiatives | ESIpositioningPaper.pdf |
523 | Slides: Systems Architecting: a Business Perspective Instructor's Manual | SAinstructorsManualSlides.pdf |
522 | : title unknown | SOSE2016_Muller_etAl_blendedEducation.pdf |
519 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Schonning_Falk.pdf |
517 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Haarstadsveen_Kokkula.pdf |
516 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationFeb2014.pdf |
513 | : title unknown | SEMP_Polanscak_A3.pdf |
513 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Business Context - Solution Creation | ABVsolutionCreationSlides.pdf |
511 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Managing System Performance | ASPcourseIntroSlides.pdf |
508 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Business Context - Process View | ABVprocessViewSlides.pdf |
507 | : title unknown | INCOSE2022_LynghaugEtAl.pdf |
506 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Role of the Architect | ABVroleArchitectSlides.pdf |
504 | : title unknown | HIBUflyersHIBUspecificSlides.pdf |
503 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Connecting Breadth and Depth | ASPbreadthAndDepthSlides.pdf |
501 | : title unknown | ScenarioHowToPaper.pdf |
501 | : title unknown | SESG_HaskinsInterfaces.pdf |
501 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Course Overview | ASPcourseOverviewSlides.pdf |
501 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Viewpoint Hopping | ABVviewpointHoppingSlides.pdf |
499 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationNov2016.pdf |
499 | : title unknown | SESG_LumentutCaptureSystem%20IntegrationRISKknowledge.pdf |
495 | : title unknown | INCOSE2022_WitteEtAl.pdf |
495 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Greedy and Lazy Patterns | ASPgreedyAndLazySlides.pdf |
493 | : title unknown | SoSE2015%20_Muller_Andersen_FactoryAsSOS.pdf |
492 | : title unknown | SESG_MeskestadTest-focusedA3.pdf |
492 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Model Analysis | MAmodelAnalysisSlides.pdf |
489 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Course Material | ASPcourseMaterialSlides.pdf |
487 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Emerging Behavior | MAemergingBehaviorSlides.pdf |
486 | : title unknown | INCOSE2022_WiulsrodEtAl.pdf |
481 | : title unknown | SoSE2015_Bonnema_Muller_schuddeboom_electricMobility.pdf |
480 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Langen_Syverud.pdf |
477 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Process and Integration | MSIprocessAndIntegrationSlides.pdf |
477 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_AliEtAL.pdf |
475 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Assignments | ABVassignmentsSlides.pdf |
474 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Resource Management | ASPresourceManagementSlides.pdf |
474 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Measuring | ASPmeasuringSlides.pdf |
473 | : title unknown | SESGpresentationAONovember2016.pdf |
470 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Sarwar_Haskins.pdf |
470 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Myhre_Engen.pdf |
467 | Paper: Module Modeling and Analysis course info | ModuleMAinfoPaper.pdf |
466 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationOct2015.pdf |
466 | Slides: Architecting for Business Value; Challenges and Dilemmas | ABVchallengesAndDilemmasSlides.pdf |
465 | : title unknown | SESG_OddenModelBasedDesign.pdf |
462 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Systems of Systems | MSIsystemsOfSystemsSlides.pdf |
461 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Product Families and Platforms | MSIproductFamiliesSlides.pdf |
460 | allSlides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course | SupplierSEcourseallSlides.pdf |
459 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Economic Perspective | MSIeconomicPerspectiveSlides.pdf |
459 | Slides: From Thruster to Field; an Architecting Example | FromThrusterToFieldSlides.pdf |
456 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Haugland_Engen.pdf |
455 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Robust Performance | ASProbustPerformanceSlides.pdf |
454 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Introduction | SEFintroductionSlides.pdf |
447 | Slides: Bloating, Waste, and Value | BloatingWasteValueSlides.pdf |
446 | : title unknown | SESG_GeorgsenSEinSME.pdf |
445 | Slides: System of Systems Architecting and Integration; Visualizing Dynamic Behavior and Qualities | SoSE2019VisualizingDynamicBehaviorSlides.pdf |
445 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Requirements Management | SEFrequirementsSlides.pdf |
445 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Defining Performance | ASPdefiningPerformanceSlides.pdf |
444 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Lillemoen_Falk.pdf |
444 | Slides: The challenge of increasing heterogeneity in Systems of Systems for architecting | ChallengesHeterogeneitySoSSlides.pdf |
442 | Slides: Systems Thinking and Agility; Think Big, Act Small | SystemsAndAgilitySlides.pdf |
439 | Slides: Room with an Systems Engineering and Architecting View on Digitalization | RoomWithAnSEAviewSlides.pdf |
435 | Slides: Architecting System Performance; Scheduling | ASPschedulingSlides.pdf |
433 | : title unknown | SEMP_Nedrehagen_Froiland_TshapedCommunication.pdf |
433 | : title unknown | RealisticComponentDeploymentPaper.pdf |
433 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Impact of Change | MSIimpactOfChangeSlides.pdf |
432 | Slides: Systems Engineering Education, Research, and Introduction in Organization | SEeducationResearchIntroductionSlides.pdf |
431 | Slides: Conceptual Modeling of Seasonal Storage | REseasonalStorageSlides.pdf |
429 | Paper: Modeling Hierarchy, Coping with the Dynamic Range of Design Details | ModelingHierarchyDynamicRangePaper.pdf |
428 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Integration Environments | MSIintegrationEnvironmentsSlides.pdf |
425 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationFeb2017.pdf |
425 | Slides: Roadmapping For Strategy Exploration | RoadmappingForStrategyExplorationSlides.pdf |
425 | document: title unknown | RPguestLectureNVC.pdf |
425 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Software and Integration | MSIsoftwareAndIntegrationSlides.pdf |
425 | Paper: How Reference Architectures support the evolution of Product Families; the Darwin research project | DarwinEvolutionViaRAPaper.pdf |
424 | : title unknown | SoSE2019_EngenEtAl_ArchitecturalReasoning.pdf |
423 | : title unknown | Rouwkaart.pdf |
422 | Paper: Soft Real Time Design | PerformanceSRTPaper.pdf |
421 | : title unknown | SESG_MeskestadImplementationOfSEatKM.pdf |
419 | Slides: Modeling and Analysis: Applications and Variations | MAvariationsConfigurationsSlides.pdf |
419 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020_Vanebo_Kjorstad.pdf |
417 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_DrilenEtAL.pdf |
414 | Slides: Complex Project Management Systemic Innovation | ComplexProjectManagementSystemicInnovationSlides.pdf |
412 | : title unknown | CSER2022_Brynem_Kokkula.pdf |
411 | Slides: Systems Thinking in a Nutshell | NutshellSystemsThinkingSlides.pdf |
405 | Paper: A Collection of Viewpoints; position presentation | ViewCollectionPaper.pdf |
405 | Paper: The Role of the Architect in a Turbulent World | RoleArchitectTurbulentWorldPaper.pdf |
403 | : title unknown | SoSE2019_EngenEtAl_SystemsThinking.pdf |
401 | Paper: Hard Real Time Design | PerformanceHRTPaper.pdf |
400 | : title unknown | SoSE2020_Muller_RoadmapBest.pdf |
400 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Information | SEcourseResearchMethodsInformationSlides.pdf |
399 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Architecture and Design | SEFarchitectureAndDesignSlides.pdf |
398 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Problem Exploration | SEcourseResearchMethodsProblemExplorationSlides.pdf |
398 | : title unknown | SESGbreakoutSessionFebruary2017.pdf |
397 | Slides: Project Overview How To | ProjectOverviewHowToSlides.pdf |
395 | Slides: Modeling For Reliabilty Engineering | ModelingForReliabilityEngineeringSlides.pdf |
389 | Paper: Performance Patterns, Pitfalls, and Approach | PerformancePatternsPaper.pdf |
388 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Bak_Syverud.pdf |
385 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Partitioning and Interfaces | SEFpartitioningAndInterfacesSlides.pdf |
382 | document: System Architecting | SystemArchitecture.pdf |
382 | : title unknown | ScenarioHowToSlides.pdf |
382 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Structure of Academic Papers | SEcourseResearchMethodsWritingStructureSlides.pdf |
381 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionMarch2018.pdf |
381 | Paper: Future of the ESA course | ESAfuturePaper.pdf |
380 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Language and Style of Academic Writing | SEcourseResearchMethodsWritingLanguageSlides.pdf |
380 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Risk Management | SEFriskManagementSlides.pdf |
379 | Slides: test | testSlides.pdf |
379 | : title unknown | INCOSE2022_Helseth_Haskins.pdf |
376 | : title unknown | SESG_BerntsenInterfaces.pdf |
375 | : title unknown | SoSE2016_Muller_awarenessOfSoS.pdf |
373 | : title unknown | SoSE2020_KokkulaEtAl_ResearchMethods.pdf |
371 | Slides: Mastering Systems Integration; Organization | MSIorganizationSlides.pdf |
370 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationNovember2018.pdf |
369 | Paper: From Synchronous to Asynchronous Design | PerformanceSynchronousPaper.pdf |
367 | : title unknown | SESG_NilsenSEapproach.pdf |
367 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Life Cycle | SEFlifeCycleSlides.pdf |
366 | : title unknown | ModuleRoleAndTaskSystemArchitectSlides.pdf |
365 | : title unknown | SESG_Rosegg10minuteDesign.pdf |
365 | : title unknown | NLDbeschrijving.pdf |
364 | : title unknown | SoSE2018_Muller_heterogeneity.pdf |
364 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationMarch2018.pdf |
363 | Paper: The implementation of the Gaudí Log Analysis | GaudiLogAnalysisPaper.pdf |
362 | Slides: Best Duurzaam All A3s | BestDuurzaamAllA3sSlides.pdf |
358 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Material | SEcourseResearchMethodsMaterialSlides.pdf |
355 | : title unknown | SESG_JonesMicrospace.pdf |
355 | : title unknown | SARCHinfoSlides.pdf |
355 | : title unknown | ESAinfoSlides.pdf |
353 | : title unknown | OversimplisticSlides.pdf |
353 | Slides: How to Research Methodologies | HowtoResearchMethodologiesSlides.pdf |
351 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals | SEFassignmentsSlides.pdf |
351 | : title unknown | SECRM_Kokkula_ResearchEthicsUSN.pdf |
348 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Needs Elicitation | SEFneedsSlides.pdf |
347 | : title unknown | SESG_WohlingInterfaces.pdf |
347 | Slides: SEMA Pedagogy | SEMApedagogySlides.pdf |
347 | : title unknown | Mikroniek2023-3Editorial.pdf |
346 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionFebruary2019.pdf |
346 | : title unknown | IHSED2018_KjorstadEtAl_UserNeeds.pdf |
339 | Slides: Architecting in the Agricultural Sector | LELYarchitectingSlides.pdf |
337 | Slides: Systems Engineering Fundamentals Course Overview | SEFoverviewSlides.pdf |
335 | Slides: Industry Master in a Nutshell | IndustryMasterNutshellSlides.pdf |
333 | Slides: Initial CAFCR Scan; top-down | InitialCAFCRscanTopDownSlides.pdf |
327 | Slides: Workshop Teaching Systems Engineering | WorkshopTeachingSESlides.pdf |
324 | Slides: What roles of politicians, managers, and systems engineering will be effective in sociotechnical systems when scope and complexity keep increasing? Lessons from Covid19 and the climate crisis. | SocioTechnicalSystemsRolesSlides.pdf |
317 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionNovember2018.pdf |
313 | Slides: Communicating the Essence of an Architecture Compactly | CommunicatingTheEssenceOfArchitectureSlides.pdf |
309 | : title unknown | SECRM_Syverud_Statistics.pdf |
303 | : title unknown | SARCHwrapUpSlides.pdf |
301 | Slides: Systems Engineering Course Research Methods; Literature Search | SEcourseResearchMethodsLiteratureSearchSlides.pdf |
299 | Slides: The Roles of Experts and Decision Makers | RolesExpertsDecisionMakersSlides.pdf |
285 | : title unknown | NLDinDePuberleeftijd.pdf |
284 | : title unknown | SOSE2021_EngenEtAl_ConceptualModels.pdf |
275 | Slides: Systems Integration Course | SystemsIntegrationCourseSlides.pdf |
266 | Slides: Best Duurzaam Water A3s | BestDuurzaamWaterA3sSlides.pdf |
265 | Slides: Data for Sustainability Development | DataForSustainabilityDevelopmentSlides.pdf |
263 | Slides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course; Assignments | SupplierSEcourseAssignmentsSlides.pdf |
262 | Slides: Conceptual Modeling to Explore Problem and Solution Space, Illustrated by Examples from Future Energy Systems | ConceptualModelingExploringPSspaceSlides.pdf |
259 | Slides: Sustainability General Concepts | SustainabilityGeneralConceptsSlides.pdf |
257 | Slides: Renewable Energy Systems as an example of layered Systems of Systems | SoSrenewableEnergySlides.pdf |
256 | : title unknown | VisieRe-integratie.pdf |
255 | Slides: Module SEFS Context | ModuleSEFScontextSlides.pdf |
252 | Slides: SEFS Modeling | SEFSmodelingSlides.pdf |
251 | Slides: Leadership and Digitalization; introduction for Room with a SEA-view | LeadershipAndDigitalizationSEAintroSlides.pdf |
249 | : title unknown | IEEEsystems2020_KjorstadEtAl_Co-creativePSToolbox.pdf |
248 | : title unknown | INCOSE2023_SkreddernesEtAl_Verification.pdf |
247 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionNovember2021.pdf |
232 | : title unknown | SESG_Nilsen_SystemsIntegration.pdf |
230 | Slides: Master Project; PERT plan | MasterProjectPERTplanSlides.pdf |
226 | Slides: SEFS Architecting Fundamentals | SEFSarchitectingFundamentalsSlides.pdf |
215 | : title unknown | CSER2023_TetlieEtAl_SystemsIntegration.pdf |
215 | Slides: What is the relation between Architecting and Model-Based working? | ArchitectingAndMBSESlides.pdf |
214 | : title unknown | SoSE2021_MullerEtAl_ResearchMethods.pdf |
211 | Slides: Constructing a Roadmap | ConstructingAroadmapSlides.pdf |
210 | : title unknown | ISPIM2023_AhmedEtAl_EarlyValidationHighTechStartups.pdf |
205 | Slides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course; Process and Roles | SupplierSEcourseProcessAndRolesSlides.pdf |
203 | Slides: Module SEFS Architecting | ModuleSEFSarchitectingSlides.pdf |
202 | Slides: SEFS Dynamic Behavior | SEFSdynamicBehaviorSlides.pdf |
200 | : title unknown | interview.pdf |
200 | Slides: Seasonal Storage Cost | RESSnuggetCostSlides.pdf |
198 | Slides: SEFS Concept Selection | SEFSconceptSelectionSlides.pdf |
197 | Slides: SEFS Future and Trends | SEFSfutureAndTrendsSlides.pdf |
196 | Slides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course; OEM View | SupplierSEcourseOEMviewSlides.pdf |
191 | : title unknown | INCOSE2023_ChenEtAl_KnowledgeTransfer.pdf |
190 | Slides: Thesis Project Systems Engineering Process | TPSEthesisProcessSlides.pdf |
190 | Slides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course; Life Cycle | SupplierSEcourseLifeCycleSlides.pdf |
190 | : title unknown | CSER2022_Stuvik_Kokkula.pdf |
190 | : title unknown | BDRA3initialRoadmapBest.pdf |
188 | : title unknown | INCOSE2023_JarlsbergAndersson_EarnedValueManagement.pdf |
182 | : title unknown | SESG_Ohrn_SystemsIntegration.pdf |
182 | Slides: SEFS Human Factors | SEFShumanFactorsSlides.pdf |
182 | Slides: Seasonal Storage Basic Models | RESSnuggetBasicModelsSlides.pdf |
178 | Slides: Thesis Project Systems Engineering Objectives | TPSEobjectivesSlides.pdf |
178 | Slides: SEFS Value of Systems Engineering | SEFSvalueSESlides.pdf |
176 | Slides: Seasonal Storage Dynamics | RESSnuggetDynamicsSlides.pdf |
175 | Slides: Nugget Team Work | HSteamWorkNuggetSlides.pdf |
173 | Slides: SEFS Scoping | SEFSsystemOfInterestSlides.pdf |
170 | : title unknown | SESG_Ali_BigData.pdf |
166 | Slides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course; Course Info | SupplierSEcourseInfoSlides.pdf |
166 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationApril2021.pdf |
166 | Slides: SEFS How companies work; workflow in organizations | SEFSworkflowSlides.pdf |
166 | Slides: CO2 Footprint; my personal case | CO2personalFootPrintSlides.pdf |
165 | document: title unknown | InformatieArtikelNovember2007.pdf |
164 | Slides: SEFS Customer Context | SEFScustomerContextSlides.pdf |
164 | Slides: Insulating Dutch Row Houses | InsulatingDutchRowHousesSlides.pdf |
164 | : title unknown | IARIA_MS2022_HaythamEtAl_NeedsExploration.pdf |
163 | : title unknown | SESG_Langen_IdeaDevelopment.pdf |
163 | Slides: Nugget Systems Architect Activities | RSAnuggetActivitiesSlides.pdf |
163 | : title unknown | PICMET07_Phaal_Muller_VisualStrategy.pdf |
162 | Slides: Presenting to higher management; recommendations | AMIrecommendationsSlides.pdf |
160 | Slides: Thesis Project Systems Engineering Context | TPSEcontextSlides.pdf |
160 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Wiulsr%F8dEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
160 | Slides: Requirements for a Documentation Structure | DGrequirementsNuggetSlides.pdf |
157 | Slides: Synergy Organization | SynergyOrganizationSlides.pdf |
157 | Slides: SEFS Business and Life Cycle Context | SEFSbusinessContextSlides.pdf |
157 | Slides: Nugget Role of Software | RoleOfSoftwareNuggetSlides.pdf |
157 | Slides: Nugget Process Decomposition of a Business | ProcessDecompositionOfBusinessNuggetSlides.pdf |
151 | Slides: The Difficult Relation Between System and Software | DifficultRelationSystemSoftwareSlides.pdf |
150 | Slides: Thesis Project Systems Engineering Results | TPSEresultsSlides.pdf |
150 | Slides: Nugget The Product Creation Process | ProductCreationProcessNuggetSlides.pdf |
149 | Slides: Nugget Systems Architect Deliverables and Responsibilities | RSAnuggetDeliverablesAndResponsibilitiesSlides.pdf |
147 | Slides: Synergy Process | SynergyProcessSlides.pdf |
147 | Slides: Fragmentation | HSfragmentationSlides.pdf |
147 | Slides: Nugget Function Profiles | FunctionProfilesNuggetSlides.pdf |
143 | Slides: Nugget Intoduction to Roadmapping | RoadmappingProcessNuggetSlides.pdf |
143 | Slides: Module SEFS Cross Cutting Topics | ModuleSEFScrossCuttingSlides.pdf |
142 | Slides: Nugget: What is a Process | WhatIsAProcessNuggetSlides.pdf |
142 | Slides: Presenting to higher management; exercise | AMIexerciseSlides.pdf |
141 | : title unknown | IARIAintsys2022_Ali_ParkingCaseStudy.pdf |
138 | Slides: Synergy and Architecting | SynergyAndArchitectingSlides.pdf |
137 | : title unknown | IARIA_MS2022_SalimEtAl_DataDriven.pdf |
136 | Slides: Active Listening | HSactiveListeningSlides.pdf |
136 | Slides: Case Study: Energy Demand and Supply | CaseStudyEnergyDemandSupplySlides.pdf |
135 | Slides: Simplistic Financial Computations; Basic Static Concepts | SFCstaticNuggetSlides.pdf |
135 | : title unknown | CSER2023_AliMuller_CaseStudy.pdf |
134 | Slides: Synergy How? | SynergyHowSlides.pdf |
134 | Slides: Nugget Requirements for Requirements | RequirementsForRequirementsNuggetSlides.pdf |
134 | : title unknown | INCOSE2024_LarsenEtAl_Security.pdf |
131 | Slides: Nugget Fundamentals of Requirements Engineering | FundamentalsOfRequirementsNuggetSlides.pdf |
129 | Slides: Synergy Why? | SynergyWhySlides.pdf |
128 | Slides: Presenting to higher management; the audience | AMIaudienceSlides.pdf |
127 | Slides: Synergy Experiences | SynergyExperienceSlides.pdf |
127 | Slides: Hierarchical Documentation Structure | DGstructureNuggetSlides.pdf |
125 | Slides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course; Development Flow | SupplierSEcourseDevelopmentFlowSlides.pdf |
124 | Slides: Nugget Interpersonal Skills | HSinterpersonalSkillsNuggetSlides.pdf |
123 | : title unknown | IARIA_MS2022_SalimEtAl_BigDataSurvey.pdf |
122 | Slides: Nugget The PCP Project Leader | PCPprojectLeaderNuggetSlides.pdf |
120 | Slides: Relevant Questions How To | RelevantQuestionsHowToSlides.pdf |
111 | : title unknown | IARIA_MS2022_HaythamEtAl_SystemsThinking.pdf |
111 | Slides: From System to Ecosystem | FromSystemToEcosystemSlides.pdf |
110 | : title unknown | SESG_Folling_SupplierPerspective.pdf |
103 | Slides: Enhancing Competence and Industry Integration | EnhancingCompetenceAndIndustryIntegrationSlides.pdf |
97 | : title unknown | SESG_Storaas_CustomersAsystemPerspective.pdf |
96 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionNovember2022.pdf |
91 | : title unknown | INCOSE2024_HyllesethEtAl_EmissionAccounting.pdf |
82 | : title unknown | KSEE2021SoSrenewableEnergy.pdf |
76 | : title unknown | INCOSE2024_ZhaoEtAl_NTCP.pdf |
62 | : title unknown | CSER2024_MullerGiudici_social_SoS.pdf |
61 | : title unknown | INCOSE2024_HadadpourEtAl_VisualConOps.pdf |
58 | : title unknown | RoadmappingStrategyProcessPaper.pdf |
57 | : title unknown | IARIA_MS2022_HaythamEtAl_SystmsThinking.pdf |
55 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Tran%F8y_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
55 | Slides: The Challenge of Data Sense Making | ChallengeOfDataSenseMakingSlides.pdf |
54 | : title unknown | PhDthesisMirteMuller.pdf |
53 | : title unknown | INCOSE2024_GronningsaeterEngen_ConceptualModeling.pdf |
53 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_WiulsrødEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
47 | : title unknown | KSEE2017oilAndGas.pdf |
43 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_Mj%E5nesEtAl_SEprocess.pdf |
42 | : title unknown | SESG_WiulsrødA3overviews.pdf |
40 | : title unknown | SESG_Czachorowski_AI.pdf |
35 | : title unknown | INCOSE2024_HidleKjorstad_EarlyValidation.pdf |
33 | Slides: Defining Methodology with a Few Examples | DefiningMethodologyWithExamplesSlides.pdf |
31 | Slides: Defining Modeling Types with a Few Examples | DefiningModelingTypesWithExamplesSlides.pdf |
30 | : title unknown | xa5nesEtAl_SEprocess.pdf |
30 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionFebruary2024.pdf |
29 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionNovember2023.pdf |
27 | : title unknown | UitnodigingBorrelEnDiner.pdf |
27 | : title unknown | SoSE2024_HaugenEtAl_DetectingWeakBehavior.pdf |
27 | : title unknown | CSIintroSlides.pdf |
25 | : title unknown | x98vergaard_Muller_AutomatedTesting.pdf |
25 | : title unknown | UitnodigingBorrel.pdf |
24 | : title unknown | Whitepaper2024_HaugenEtAl_AutomationProcesses.pdf |
24 | Slides: Air Quality in Municipality Best | BDairQualitySlides.pdf |
19 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Wiulsr%E2%96%88dEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
18 | : title unknown | SESGsummaryAndConclusionFebruary2023.pdf |
17 | : title unknown | CourseSystemsIntegrationallSlides.pdf |
17 | Slides: Architecture Overview How To | ArchitectureOverviewHowToSlides.pdf |
13 | : title unknown | xb8dEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
13 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013%20Muller%20Bonnema%20TeachingSEundergraduate.pdf |
12 | : title unknown | xb8y_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
11 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_Mj%c3%a5nesEtAl_SEprocess.pdf |
10 | : title unknown | UitnodigingVerdediging.pdf |
9 | : title unknown | Reference-ArchitecturePrimerPaper.pdf |
9 | : title unknown | OversimplisticPaper.pdf |
9 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_%c3%98vergaard_Muller_AutomatedTesting.pdf |
8 | : title unknown | SESG_Wiulsr%c3%b8dA3overviews.pdf |
7 | : title unknown | SESG_SESG_LundSystemIntegration.pdf |
7 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Tran%c3%b8y_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
7 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Wiulsr%c3%b8dEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
6 | Slides: Supplier Systems Engineering Course | SupplierSEcourseSlides.pdf |
6 | : title unknown | FlyerNLDbuitenzijde.pdf |
6 | : title unknown | FlyerNLDbinnenzijde.pdf |
5 | : title unknown | xf8dEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
5 | : title unknown | xb8dA3overviews.pdf |
5 | : title unknown | VerjaardagMyron.pdf |
5 | : title unknown | Thesis-Book.pdf |
5 | : title unknown | SESGinvitationFeb2015.pdf |
5 | Slides: Nugget Intoduction to Roadmapping | RoadmappingIntroductionNuggetSlides.pdf |
5 | : title unknown | LedershipAndDigitalizationSEAintroSlides.pdf |
5 | : title unknown | FlyerBinnenzijde.pdf |
4 | : title unknown | xe5nesEtAl_SEprocess.pdf |
4 | : title unknown | SESG_Hylleseth_VirtualSensors.pdf |
4 | : title unknown | SESG_Helmy_AI.pdf |
4 | : title unknown | FlyerBuitenzijde.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | xf8y_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | pystemjodelingandanalysisbook.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | jaturityplides.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | UitnodigingDiner.pdf |
3 | Slides: Systems and Leadership Program | SystemsAndLeadershipProgramSlides.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | SEMAmethodOverviewSlides.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | SEFSqualitiesSlides.pdf |
3 | document: Master Project; Writing an Abstract | MasterProjectWritingAnAbstract.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_%EF%BF%BDvergaard_Muller_AutomatedTesting.pdf |
3 | : title unknown | CSIearlyValidationSlides.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | proefschrift%5fjkm%5fbbm.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | presentatiebruggenld.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | nldvolwassenen.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | SESG_Wiulsr%EF%BF%BDdA3overviews.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | SEPPIworksheetSlides.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | SEMAhomeworkAssigmentSlides.pdf |
2 | document: Master Project; Execution Phase | MasterProjectProjectExecution.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | INCOSE2021_Lonmo_Muller_ConceptSelection.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Tran%EF%BF%BDy_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014%5fLonmo%5fMuller%5fConceptSelection.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_Mj%EF%BF%BDnesEtAl_SEprocess.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Wiulsr%EF%BF%BDdEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | CSIcookbookSlides.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | CSER2022%5fHelleEtAl.pdf |
2 | : title unknown | %20INCOSE2014_Tran%C3%B8y_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | workshopnld.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | viewslides.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | sose2015%20_muller_andersen_factoryassos.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | rolesystemarchitecturepaper.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | presentatieNLD_Noorwegen.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | nldvolwasse.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | nldvolwass.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | nldvol.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | liacharitenldvolwassenenen.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | liacharitenldvolwas.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | liacharitenldv.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | liacharite.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | incose2013%5fmuller%5fbonnema%5fteachingseundergraduate.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | incose2012_wiulsr%C3%B8detal_dieselenginea3.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | cluster.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | ValidationOfRequirementsPa-per.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | SystemArchitectureBoo k.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | SupportingProcessesBo ok.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | SoSE2019%5fMullerEtAl%5fDynamicBehavior.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | SoSE2015%2520_Muller_Andersen_FactoryAsSOS.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | SESG_Wiulsr?dA3overviews.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | SESG_Wiulsr%25C3%25B8dA3overviews.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | RoadmappingPaper.pdfRoadmappingPaper.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | ReferenceArchitecturePrimerPa-per.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | PresentatieBruggeNLD.pdf?bcsi_scan_c558555a499da3de=Q5tATDzc0yiO3oIGTuLVxIT9AegMAAAAB2NFIQ==&bcsi_scan_filename=PresentatieBruggeNLD.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | OTC2021_UlsvikEtAl.pdf |
1 | Paper: Industry as Laboratory Research | IndustryAsLaboratoryResearchPaper.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2020%5fTunheim%5fFalk.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2019%5fPesselseEtAl%5fA3AOs.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018%5fViken%5fMullerA3.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2018%5fBakke%5fHaskins%5fTRL.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016%5fGoderstad%5fHaskins%5fQFD.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2016%5fEide%5fHaskins%5fControl.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Trany_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2014_Tran%25C3%25B8y_Muller_ReductionOfLateDesignChanges.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_vergaard_Muller_AutomatedTesting.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2013_%D8vergaard_Muller_AutomatedTesting.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_WiulsrdEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2012_Wiulsr%C3%83%C2%B8dEtAl_DieselEngineA3.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | INCOSE2010%5fMuller%5fModelingWhenAndWhere.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | CourseDescriptionsBoo k.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | ComposableArchitectur esBook.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | CSER2022%5fBrynem%5fKokkula.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | CSER2011%5fMullerEtAl%5fResearchingPughMatrix.pdf |
1 | Paper: Architectural Refactoring; illustrated by MR. | ArchitecturalRefactoringMRPaper.pdf |
1 | : title unknown | ArchitecturalReasonin gBook.pdf |